A Look at the Las Vegas Alliance (A Letter from the President)

A Look at the Las Vegas Alliance (A Letter from the President)

Dear Las Vegas Alliance Members,

I hope you are as energized as I am about the incredible journey we’ve been on together. As I reflect on my time with The Alliance—first as a founding member, then as Vice President from 2022-2023, and now as local President for 2024—I am filled with pride at how far we’ve come and the impact we’ve made in our community.

When our local chapter was founded in June 2020, it marked the beginning of what would become a powerful force for change and inclusivity in the Las Vegas real estate industry. Under the leadership of our inaugural President, Arnee Dodd, and later Scott Emerson, our second President and current Regional Delegate, we formed a board that has been nothing short of extraordinary. Together, we have not only met but exceeded our goals, setting new standards for what our chapter can achieve.

During my term as President, I had the privilege of working alongside an incredible board—Mark, Nikki, Dalene, Louis, Leslie, David, Sergio, JJ, and Peyton. Together, we secured the highest number of sponsorships in our chapter’s history, demonstrating the growing recognition of our mission and the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in real estate.

One of the highlights of this year was our successful delivery of 1,100 makeup kits to the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth, collected during our Glam for Good Mixer at Bent Inn Las Vegas in January. This event was a testament to the generosity and spirit of our community.

We also brought everyone together for our second annual Vixer at Hamburger Mary’s, an event that has quickly become a staple in the Las Vegas real estate industry! Our participation in the annual AIDS Walk Las Vegas was another shining moment, where we were recognized as a top 10 fundraiser for 2024—a true reflection of our chapter’s commitment to making a difference.

Our first fireside chat, “Embracing Equality: Navigating Discrimination in LGBTQ+ Real Estate,” was a resounding success. It set a new standard for educational events, moving beyond traditional lunch n’ learn formats and creating a meaningful and impactful discussion on the discrimination still faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in real estate.

Throughout the year, I had the honor of representing our chapter on various podcasts and at local association committee meetings, spreading the word about the vital work we’re doing. Our presence at the LVR General Membership meetings, Pride Month celebration at Frankie’s Uptown, and even Pahrump Pride further solidified our presence in Southern Nevada.

As our board’s term comes to an end in October, I can confidently say that this has been our fullest and most successful year yet. And achieving this in just 9 months deserves a round of applause for everyone involved. We have created an organization that not only welcomes all but also shines a light on the challenges and triumphs of an often misunderstood part of our community during such a critical time.

Nationally, The Alliance continues to lead with initiatives like the TRACKING RPAC tool and the Stop Hate in Real Estate pledge, in partnership with our friends at NAHREP, AREAA, and WomanUp. Locally, our presence has made a tangible difference. Over my 20 years in the Las Vegas real estate industry, I have witnessed the evolution of our community firsthand. I remember how things used to be—how LGBTQ+ individuals were treated—and I can confidently say that we’ve come a long way. When people ask why they should become members and where their dues go, I point to all of the above. Your support via membership helps locally and nationally.

It has been one of the greatest honors of my career to help launch this organization. With the unwavering support of Scott and our board, we have built something truly special. We have shown people that it’s okay to live their authentic selves, to hold positions of influence, and to do great things in business without hiding who they are.

Our efforts have not only opened minds but, I believe, have also influenced others to stand up, such as the formation of our local association’s very first Diversity Committee—a committee I am proud to have been named the inaugural chair of.

2024 was a monumental year for The Alliance, both here in Las Vegas and on a national level. If you’re a member and weren’t aware of all that we’ve accomplished, I urge you to get more involved.

To our allies—who make up the majority of our membership here in Las Vegas—I want to extend a heartfelt thank you. We’ve come a long way from a time when people like me couldn’t imagine holding leadership roles like this. Your support has been invaluable, and together, we are making a difference.

Let’s continue to build on this momentum. I can’t wait to see what the 2024-2025 board will accomplish, and I hope YOU will be a part of it.

With gratitude and with pride,
Zak Shellhammer
President, Las Vegas Chapter
LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance

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